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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Euro Currency Exchange

Euro currency exchange rates can be found from resources such as Marketwatch for live rates, and ECB for historical rates.
Marketwatch - Euro Live
The Marketwatch live ticker is one of the best live tickers for EUR/USD rate and many other rates against the US dollar.
You can also see the historical progression of the rate against the US dollar at
The live rates for Marketwatch are in fact produced by Global Forex Trading (, which is an online forex trading house.
European Central Bank - Historical EUR
European Central Bank (ECB) is the central banking unit for the whole of European Union. It also acts as a data storekeeper for official rates of EUR against other currencies.
These historical rates can be accessed from the ECB website. There are also interactive charts to see how the currency has changed in value against a range of other currencies in the world.

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